Monday, 28 September 2020
Bringing you peace of mind during these uncertain times...
At Silverline Care, we've adapted the way we work to respond to Coronavirus, to welcome new residents, provide safe visits and protect those who already live and work with us.
As the Government now seeks to tighten restrictions in light of the escalating situation regarding the virus, we recommend families or loved ones of residents in our care contact the home directly before planning a visit.
It is crucial to remind anyone visiting our home to be extra vigilant when it comes adhering to social distancing, wearing PPE and keeping good hygiene, particularly in relation to handwashing.
We also urge anyone who is feeling unwell or who has been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 or suspected Covid-19 NOT to visit the home.
Visitation - We continue to work closely with Health Protection teams regarding visiting, and we are delighted that many of you continue to enjoy outdoor and window visits.
As we move out of summer, we appreciate concerns regarding outdoor visits in inclement weather. We remain committed to enabling visiting in some capacity during winter, and are continuing with our work to make this happen in the safest way possible.
However, the guidance remains that outdoor or window visits or video calling are the preference, and we would ask that you support us to continue with this.
Please note you can also arrange a virtual tour of the home as part of our admission process by contacting the home directly or clicking this link and clicking on the 'Remote Tours' option beside the home you are interested in.
We appreciate how difficult this time has been for our residents, their families and loved ones and we would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding.
In order to help our residents stay connected to their loved ones during the restrictions on visiting, Silverline Care equipped each of our homes with additional mobile phones, we have encouraged and facilitated video calling and invited messages to be sent via our website or directly to the homes which have been shared appropriately.
We have also provided regular updates on our website and social media pages which we hope you have enjoyed seeing.
P P E – Our finance team, supported by the directors, has spent significant time and resource ensuring that each home has had sufficient quantities and quality of PPE and clear guidance on how to use it. Silverline Care currently holds a good supply of PPE to ensure our staff can protect themselves and our residents, whether they are symptomatic or not. We will continue to maintain our stock and to support sessional use for as long as required.
Silverline Care continues to enlist the help of Respiratory Expert Jon Miles who has been providing the latest information and advice to the Silverline Care group and supporting our care home managers directly on matters relating to their home.
Testing – All Silverline Care homes are supporting staff and residents to access testing for Covid-19. We will continue to welcome the opportunity to carry out testing and re-testing either on a home level or by encouraging our staff to self-refer for as long as considered necessary.
Admissions – As we support our local health partners and the people who need care at this time, we are now admitting new residents, where possible and appropriate.
Please note this will only be done in line with the latest guidelines and an assessment of the potential resident and of the home, including the individual’s completion of two negative Covid-19 tests.
For more information, or to enquire about an admission please fill out the form on the contact us page or phone the relevant care home directly.
We hope that you find this update useful and that it reassures you that safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our residents and staff remains our top priority.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.