Line dancing, football and refreshments in the sun at Newark

Newark residents and staff have been making the most of this fine weather by spending as much time as possible in the home's beautiful garden. 
As part of the fun, Hugh Higgins, one of our staff, got dressed up and held an outdoor line dance class!
Moira Roberts, Home Manager said: "Well, we were a wee bit rubbish but we wiggled about and did the 'slosh' instead. Betty (in the photo) was best!! Arthur and Margaret learned one dance (after a fair bit of time). Sandy danced for ages while others clapped and sang to the music."
Moira added: "Some preferred to watch from the window - they seemed to be a laughing a lot and we can only imagine how funny we must have looked. But never mind how good our moves were, we all felt better from having a bit of exercise, fresh air, music and laughter. Thank you very much Hugh. We all had Great fun!"
After all of this hilarity, some of the gents still had some energy for a game of football and then enjoyed a beverage of their choice! 
